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Capital Planning & Real Estate


Website Updated 03/10/2022

Welcome to UC Merced's Office of Space, Capital Planning and Real Estate 

The Office of Space, Capital Planning and Real Estate (SCPRE) has three primary functions: 

  • Capital Planning
  • Space Strategies, Planning, and Allocation
  • Real Estate Leases, Licenses, Acquisitions & Dispositions 

Capital Planning and Space Strategies leads to UC Merced's annual six-year-rolling capital planning process. We plan for evolving space needs resulting from enrollment growth, faculty hiring, and the development of new academic programs. The plan is developed in collaboration with Physical & Land Use Planning and Capital Finance and is predicated on the principle of responsible growth and development of University lands and programs. 

The Capital Plan specifically delineates capital, deferred maintenance, and energy projects over the present six-year period (2020-2026) and includes both those projects with identified and unidentified funding plans. The Capital Plan may also include proposed new offsite leases and/or acquisitions. 

Space Planning coordinates with campus administration and academic units to ensure that the use of the University of California, Merced's facilities are optimized in support of the teaching, research, and public service mission of the institution.

The Real Estate function includes the identification and negotiation of leases, licenses, and use agreements. The SCPRE office also manages the acquisition and disposition of real property and the origination and development of public-private partnership projects. 


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