A Faculty Strategic Space Planning Retreat was held on Monday, October 30th, 2017, to discuss space opportunities and challenges relating to the 2020 Project and backfill space allocation process for the UC Merced campus. The retreat was hosted by EVC and Provost Tom Peterson and Director of Space Planning and Analysis Maggie Saunders. The proceedings were facilitated by Jason Martin and his team in the California Room and captured on video via Zoom. Approximately 75 faculty attended some portion of the retreat in person including the Deans of the three Schools and Deans of the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs.
One outcome of the retreat was the decision to issue a Call for Space Proposals to all Senate Faculty. While individual faculty may submit a proposal, it is intended to be completed at the level of the by law unit and/or by a cluster of research groups. Our primary goal is to map collaborations among research teams, understand the types of spaces that may be missing in our current space inventory and gather information about intended growth in a research area or by law unit. Space proposals should be submitted to Maggie Saunders no later than November 27, 2017. The information in these proposals will be used to inform the creation of space allocation scenarios for the 2020 project and Backfill space.